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Entrepreneurial Learning

About the Inspire project

The project is a joint initiative of a sport school, 2 universities, 2 public authorities responsible for education, and a private organization committed to promoting entrepreneurial learning and the link between education and business. The 6 partners represent 4 European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus.


Even though the project results may be useful for the wider youth work sector and other educational sectors, the project primarily addresses the needs of the following target groups:

-secondary school students

-secondary school educators in the sport-related disciplines and teachers in schools with sport profile

-regional/local educational authorities


The project’s overall objective is to contribute to integrating sport into entrepreneurial learning in secondary schools.

The specific objectives are to:

-Develop a training program on sport management, coaching and physical education that could build students’ technical and transversal competences for sport-based entrepreneurship and leadership;

-Develop challenge-based learning tools and WebQuests related to sports-based entrepreneurship to enable a more effective and engaging learning process;

-Develop methodological guidance for teachers on designing and delivering sport-based entrepreneurial learning.


At local level the project targets schools and educators, as well as students themselves. It will raise awareness that school sport activities can be utilized to build knowledge and skills.It will also provide guidance and resources for schools to experiment with the integration of sport into entrepreneurial learning and will train the first cohort of students and educators.

The desired long-term impacts are to improve entrepreneurial learning in secondary schools, to facilitate stronger involvement of low-performing students in entrepreneurial learning, to contribute to enhancing graduates’ employability, and to provide new professional development opportunities for physical education teachers.

At regional and national level, the project will target regional public bodies responsible for education. The desired short to medium term impact is to improve the strategies for supporting entrepreneurial learning and practical entrepreneurial opportunities through utilizing the multitude of sport activities currently being organized in schools, as well as to promote the use of challenge-based and experiential learning in physical education. The desired long-term impact is to support secondary schools in exploiting the educational impact of physical education and in utilizing sport’s contribution to skills building.


  3 Workshops for students
4 Dissemination conferences


3 Practical sports-based entrepreneurial activities with student participation
5 Trainings of trainers

The partnership will produce the following intellectual outputs:

1.    Methodological guidelines for educators.

2.    Challenges and WebQuests Toolkit on Sports-Based Entrepreneurship.

3.Extracurricular integrated training program on Sport-Based Entrepreneurship and Coaching.


1. Extracurricular integrated training program on Sports-Based Entrepreneurship and Coaching

The Extracurricular Training Program on Sports-Based Entrepreneurship and Coaching has the following objectives:

– To provide learning resources that allow secondary school students to develop a critical and practical understanding of the links between sport management and development, coaching and physical education

– To provide teaching resources for teachers willing to experiment with innovative cross-curricular training combining sports and entrepreneurship.

The output will be suitable for individual learning but can also be used by teachers to design and deliver their own extracurricular activity.


A: Sport event management

– Organizational principles in sport events

– Financial management of sport events

– Planning and managing professional collaborations and volunteers

– Managing fundraising, sponsorship and resource allocation in sport events

– Evaluating and assessing the impact of sport events

B. Managing amateur sport clubs

– Understanding sports policy and administration

– Managing people in amateur sport clubs

– Project management

– Financial management of amateur sport clubs

– Identifying opportunities for innovation in sport

C. Working with sport club members and athletes – coaching, physical education and performance analysis

– Understanding the relationship between sport, physical activity and health

– Managing physical training and understanding coaching pedagogy

– Understanding performance analysis.


The training program will be suited to the needs of upper secondary high school students and should provide introductory knowledge at an accessible level.


The output is intended for extracurricular teaching and learning, and its transferability does not depend on curricular limitations.  The output will be available in English, Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish.


2. Challenges and WebQuests Toolkit on Sports-Based Entrepreneurship

The developed 5 challenges and 5 WebQuests will provide educators with ready-to-use-or-remix interactive teaching/learning tools covering the sports-based entrepreneurship concepts included in IO1 in a way suitable for the young generation and empowering teachers to innovate in the delivery of entrepreneurial education.


1.Introduction to the challenge/WebQuest, the “big idea” guiding it and key questions/issues that students should address

2.Clarification of the project to be implemented or task to be solved

3.Guidelines and resources

–For challenges: guidelines for learners (guiding questions and activities they may wish to engage in)

–For WebQuests: resources that can be used (websites, platforms, networks, videos, e-books)

4.Student worksheets and templates for presenting the solution and results.

The challenges/WebQuests will be designed to inspire learners to engage creatively with key entrepreneurial concepts by pursuing a project (e.g. planning a training session in a sports club, planning a sports event with a social purpose, finding a solution to conflicts within a sports club, etc.).
They will motivate learners to seek connections between different 
entrepreneurial concepts in order to weave them together in the challenge/WebQuest solution. They will also sensitize students to the real-world relevance of entrepreneurial concepts and competences.


The challenges/WebQuests will be designed to be easily adaptable for use in any sport management or entrepreneurship training. They are to be transferrable to other learning environments (e.g. non-formal education) and moderately transferable to contexts where disadvantaged learners are targeted. The output will be available in English, Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish.



We are going to share news about the forthcoming activities and events within the project. Stay tuned


The INSPIRE project is a joint initiative of a sports school, two universities, 2 public authorities responsible for education, and a private organization committed to promoting entrepreneuriallearning and the link between education and business. The 6 partners represent 4 European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus.The partners have merged their collective experience in the field of school education and at the same time, they share the same necessities and a common goal.
  1. Coordinator:57th Sports School “St. Naum Ohridski“ is a public sports school. It has approximately 450 students from fifth to twelfth grade, profiled in 10 different sport disciplines (basketball,volleyball, football, athletics, wrestling, boxing, kick boxing, judo, sambo, weight lifting).
  2. European Center for Quality Ltd is a modern consulting company founded in 2001. The company is specialized in 4 main fields: Management consulting in the field of EU-funded projects; Design and delivery of training programmes for business entities, low skilled people and people from vulnerable groups; Implementation of various initiatives linking the worlds of business and innovation with the education and training sectors; Development and implementation of international standards for quality management.
  3.  The Directorate of Secondary Education in Chania (DSEC)
    The Directorate of Secondary Education in Chania (DSEC) is a public body educational organization, under the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete and the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. It is responsible for the administration and supervision of all secondary education schools, both public and private, in the Prefecture of Chania, one of the four prefectures that form the region of Crete, Greece.
  4. Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education
    Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education is one of the Provincial National Education Directorates which is established to plan, program, manage, supervise, develop and evaluate the provincial-level tasks of the Ministry of National Education. The duties were determined by a regulation prepared by the Ministry of National Education.
  5. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University
    Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University is a public university offering associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in a wide variety of programs including but not limited to agriculture, engineering, medicine and health sciences, natural and applied sciences, social sciences, economics and administrative sciences, foreign languages and literature, theology, sport education, fine arts and architecture.  
    The School of Business and Management places academic research at the core of its strategic mission and aspires to become one of the leading local business schools; a researchoriented institution of international repute. More specifically, our research strategy builds on five strands: advancing theoretical and conceptual thinking; broadening our expertise in terms of research methodologies; informing on best practice; contributing to the policy debate; and building partnerships across networks of stakeholders representing university research centres; business associations, professional bodies; and enterprise development agencies.








Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.